15 Day Inspirational Course

This course is for all of you who from time to time have an inspirational block and just have a hard time to pick up a camera. For folks who need a creative kick to get to work again and also for people looking for new ideas to photograph. Note! This course works well for both, traditional and ICM photographers.

The course includes 18 videos over 15 days. Only for £45
All students completing the course will receive a free A3 size print from Fotospeed. (Value 25£)


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In this 3 week course we offer 15 days of inspiration
Over the course of fifteen videos (plus some freebies!) Kaisa and Morag will help you unlock any creative blocks, get your creative juices flowing and help you see things from a different perspective.  You don't need any special equipment, the ideas are all accessible, and adaptable for people in most circumstances*

This is a great course for anyone who has ever felt a creative block, or struggles to find the time to build a creative daily practice.  Even if you're in a good photographic groove this course may help you to see things from a different perspective, and open up new pathways to explore.

Taking time every day to dedicate to your creative work can work wonders, with impacts that will resonate through the rest of your life too. We introduce the practise here as small daily actions, so even if you only have a few minutes to spare you'll find it easy to get started.  It's up to you how long you spend on each activity - we suggest a five or ten minutes at least, but if you get really inspired feel free to dive in deeper. We'll be waiting to hear how you get on!

The inspirational course is suitable for everyone, whether you're an absolute beginner or experienced photographer, it isn't ICM specific so you can use it in whatever way works best for you.

You can choose to start right away, or simply save the emails and work at your own pace.

If you want to dive more into the subject of creative blocks, we have made a free video of a discussion between Kaisa, Morag and Riika Pikkuvirta - a Finnish artist.  Kaisa has also made a video of the scrapbook she made using the daily inspirations from the Kickstart course. Why not give it a try?

*We are always interested to hear suggestions for how to make our courses more accessible, please drop us a line if you encounter any difficulties or have any ideas.

Buy the course here!

In this course

Over the course of fifteen videos (plus some freebies!) Kaisa and Morag will help you unlock any creative blocks, get your creative juices flowing and help you see things from a different perspective.  

You don't need any special equipment, the ideas are all accessible, and adaptable for people in most circumstances

Buy Now for £45

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I included one extra image of overhead lights to show how much I am benefitting from doing the two classes at once by using the new moves in my Kickstart course.
- Kathy Ward

As an experienced photographer, I still have creative slumps. And sometimes I need a little nudge to get me going. The strength of Kickstart Your Creativity is its subtle simplicity to give you that nudge. And each activity is approachable no matter what your experience level.
Just promising myself  I'll dedicate 15 minutes after watching each short video lesson gave me the metaphorical kick in the back side I needed to begin embracing my photography again. And you know what else happened? I ended up spending more time with each activity than I’d planned. Now that’s a good thing!
- Barb Kellogg